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Tortola, BVI - February 2010

tortola-11.gif loading... tortola-11.jpg loading... The view from the patio. Outrageous.
tortola-15.gif loading... tortola-15.jpg loading... We asked Dudley for his advice on the best way to open a fresh coconut, and the next thing we knew he was scaling the tree and pulling them down for us.
tortola-18.gif loading... tortola-18.jpg loading... The answer, incedentally, involves a machete.
tortola-20.gif loading... tortola-20.jpg loading... This little fellow was under two inches long.
tortola-21.gif loading... tortola-21.jpg loading... One usually does not consider a macro lens an essential part of a photo kit optimized for travel, but the more I use mine (Nikon 60mm 2.8) for that application, the more satisfied I am with the decision to do so. I'm usually disappointed when I try to take straight touristy photos - the picturesque postcard-worthy sunset over the famous landmark has usually been captured better by somebody else before me, somebody with a lot more equipment and patience. When I focus on the little details, though, I feel like I can capture a lot of the flavor of a place from a somewhat different angle.
tortola-54.gif loading... tortola-54.jpg loading... EXTREME LIZARD CLOSEUP.
tortola-26.gif loading... tortola-26.jpg loading... Chicken and chickenlets.
tortola-27.gif loading... tortola-27.jpg loading... I'm not used to land vehicles featuring an inclinometer in the dash. Tortola is extremely hilly, and the only place I've ever been where widespread SUV ownership is actually justified; I saw this inclinometer peak at 30 degrees at one point.
tortola-28.gif loading... tortola-28.jpg loading... I assume this is Arabic for "Objects in the rear view mirror are closer than they appear"; why this would be in Arabic in Tortola is beyond me.
tortola-29.gif loading... tortola-29.jpg loading... An outrageous yacht we saw docked. She had gigantic stainless-steel anchors that must have weighed as much as a car (and probably cost as much too).
tortola-33.gif loading... tortola-33.jpg loading... Little Sailor goes out to dinner.
tortola-36.gif loading... tortola-36.jpg loading... The Kitchen Gecko.
tortola-48.gif loading... tortola-48.jpg loading... De gustibus non est disputandum.